Welcome to at Ashland Hunt Valley!


                                                                                                      (Photo Credit, David Schmitz)

Ashland is a community of 110 homes located in Cockeysville, in Northern Baltimore County. Some of the homes in Ashland have been converted from the original Ashland Iron Works office and the supervisor’s home, schoolhouse, post office, general store, and workers’ housing. Whether you are a long-time member of our community, a new arrival, or are simply visiting or thinking about living in Ashland in the future, on behalf of our Board of Directors, welcome to Ashland in Hunt Valley! This website provides information about Ashland and, for homeowners, access to community information including announcements, reports, meeting minutes and association documents.

Ashland is a wonderful place to live. We are a friendly, supportive community that includes and embraces families with young children, seniors, and everyone in between. 
